8 Central Avenue, Newburgh City, Orange, NY, 12550, EUA
Tipo de propriedade
Residencial à venda, Multifamiliar, Casa multifamiliar
Dimensões do terreno
6.203 pés2 (576 m2)
Preço de venda por metro quadrado
0 $
Listagens Salva
Exceptionally well organized, well maintained, and high performing investment property that could also be reconverted into a lovely single-family home! This home is a charming two-unit, 9 bedroom home on a quiet block steps from the Mt St Mary's campus. Tidy and conscientious student roommates have pre-leased tenancies with guarantors, a handyman is on call, the students pay via electronic direct deposit; the seller is willing to pass all systems to new owner, including handyman contact and Mt St Marys alumnus leasing agent. Proforma and detailed financials are available for review.
Detalhes sobre a propriedade
Ano de Construção:
Sistema de aquecimento:
Água quente, Gás natural
Estacionamento / garagem
Tipo de estacionamento:
Na rua
Informações sobre escolas
Bairro com Escola Secundária:
Ensino primário:
Magnet Sch of Math Science & Design
Ensino secundário (colegial):
Newburgh Free Academy
Escola - ginásio:
South Middle School

Contacte comigo

  • Sarah Beckham Hooff
  • ReAttached
  • Telefone: 845-420-8965