$749 000
394 Benton Hollow Road, Liberty, Sullivan, NY, 12758, USA
Numer MLS
Typ nieruchomości
Domy i lokale mieszkalne, Domy wielorodzinne, Dom wielorodzinny
Powierzchnia gruntu
56 akrów (22,66 ha)
Cena sprzedaży za m2
0 $
Zapamiętanie oferty
Buying the life style you always dreamed to own. Just reduced. 56.24 beautiful acres and a newly renovated two story home with mountain view, trout stream, spring fed pond. 2080 ft. of county road frontage. Dam at end of lake, once repaired, could bring the Lake back to full capacity increasing the property value. Beautiful for fishing, boating or just sitting next to the water falls reading a good book. Hunt your own land in the Fall.start a hunting club with 5 or 6 friends or place a larger new home on the Mountain side looking down on the lake area and rent or sell the existing present home. possible subdivision with town approval. Country living at its best. Quiet and Private. This property Back in the day this was Spring Lake Spa and Resort Hotel The Catskills was the place to come. A lot of history here. Just a beautiful location.Motivated Seller!
Informacje szczegółowe
Rok budowy:
Charakterystyka nieruchomości:
Studnia, szambo
System grzewczy:
na gorącą wodę, Olej opałowy
Piwnica i fundamenty:
Informacje o szkołach
Okręg Szkoły Średniej:
Livingston Manor
Szkoła podstawowa:
Livingston Manor Elementary School
Szkoła średnia:
Livingston Manor High School
Livingston Manor High School

Napisz do mnie

  • John P. Melchior
  • Howard Hanna Rand Realty
  • Tel: 845-764-5215